Garridas 1867

Code of Ethics and Conduct

Applicable to all entities and all staff employed by the group

At its meeting on February 5, 2018, the Teixeira Duarte, S.A. Board of Directors approved a new “Code of Ethics and Conduct of the Teixeira Duarte Group”. Consult the “Code of Ethics and Conduct of the Teixeira Duarte Group” here.

The code enshrines the mission and values that define the ethics of Teixeira Duarte and establishes rules that support, expand and complement them, thus defining the conduct of all for whom they are intended.

To what entities do they apply?

This updated code applies to Teixeira Duarte, S.A. itself and encompasses all entities integrated within its consolidation perimeter and under the umbrella of its management, in all geographical locations where the group conducts activities.

To what people does it apply?

The code pertains to all administrators, workers and other representatives of the company, who are responsible not only for knowing, internalizing, implementing on an institutional level and defending the code externally, but also for encouraging third parties to apply it while exercising the relationships they maintain with all entities in the Teixeira Duarte group.

Communication of potential irregularities

Potential irregularities identified with regard to any internal or external norms should be reported via the following means:

  • Correspondence addressed to the management or oversight body of the Teixeira Duarte Group company where the irregularities in question were identified;
  • Correspondence addressed to the Teixeira Duarte, S.A. Board of Directors or Supervisory board;
  • Email message addressed to an independent body formed within the Teixeira Duarte group with the address
All companies in the group pledge confidentiality regarding communications received and guarantee that the complainant will suffer no reprisals regarding complaints made in good faith. Furthermore, the group commits to protecting the personal data of both the complainant and those accused of the infraction

Reprisals taken against complainants are in no way condoned by Teixeira Duarte, S.A. or by any companies in the group. Reprisals may lead to disciplinary action for guilty parties and for those who permitted them to occur.