In Benfica, a neighborhood with an illustrious history and an identity informed by its architectural legacy, where once grand mansions were erected that still stand out in the urban landscape, a project inspired by history is born, one that celebrates the location where the nostalgic, striking, remarkable Quinta das Garridas once stood.
The interest in Benfica on the part of the upper classes increased after the earthquake of 1755, a time when many people left the city to take up residence in their country homes. They questioned the wisdom of spending money on ruined homes when they had magnificent residences here.
As of the 18th century, estates became increasingly more luxurious and expansive. Mansions had a ground floor and an upper pavilion. They were adorned with grandiose tile baseboards, ornately decorated wooden ceilings and walls lined with painted panels.
Noble families, who had formerly rented out their country estates, began, little by little, to move into them permanently. It is in this context that the Quinta das Garridas mansion was built by Visconde Sanches de Baena in 1867. It stands out as a striking example of Benfica’s palatial mansions.
We know that the Quinta das Garridas (formerly the Quinta do Visconde Sanches de Baena) was much larger in 1908 than the structure we see today. The original mansion on the estate became the headquarters of the parish, but was unfortumately demolished in the 70’s.
In 2019, Teixeira Duarte began a rehabilitation process in the Benfica neighborhood with the reconversion of the ancient Factory of Simões & Cª. Now, in 2023, it has renewed its strong committment to the neighborhood by taking on a new residential project, one that respects local history.
Today the Quinta das Garridas is a testament to history, recalling the bygone days of a community that stretched along the Estrada de Benfica, its backbone, and meandered among farms and country homes.
Today the Quinta das Garridas is a testament to history, recalling the bygone days of a community that stretched along the Estrada de Benfica, its backbone, and meandered among farms and country homes.
Em Setembro de 2019 assinalou-se um importante capítulo na freguesia de Benfica. Sob o desígnio de Renovar o Bairro. Recontar a história: a Teixeira Duarte iniciou a reconversão da antiga FÁBRICA Simões & Companhia Lda.
Um conceito de comércio pensado para a nova avenida, que atravessa o projeto FÁBRICA 1921, ligando a Rua Fernanda Botelho à Avenida Gomes Pereira. Representa a regeneração de um conjunto de infraestruturas e a criação de um parque de estacionamento público com 329 lugares.
Com uma área total de 1.850 m2, terá diferentes funcionalidades e zonas pensadas para as famílias, adultos, crianças e jovens. Conta com uma área denominada “Espaço António Lobo Antunes”, que vai acolher o acervo do escritor.
Em 2021 o processo de regeneração continua, e no mesmo local para onde a Fábrica se expandiu em 1940, desenvolve-se a última fase do empreendimento, o edifício 3.
Um processo de regeneração que agora ganha força, com novo projeto residencial.
Em 2021 o processo de regeneração continua, e no mesmo local para onde a Fábrica se expandiu em 1940, desenvolve-se a última fase do empreendimento, o edifício 3.
Winner of the 2023 National Urban Regeneration Award, in the category “Best project in the City of Lisbon” .
An award that honors Fábrica 1921 for its contribution to the quality of the city, impact on the community, success in the real estate market, social impact and value, and capacity to effect change in the urban fabric.
The information on this website is intended merely as a guide and is in no way contractual or binding in nature. Furthermore, all materials and finishings presented here are subject to any adjustments/alterations deemed necessary as the architectural projects and/or the specialization of buildings evolve, these to be carried out as considered most suitable and opportune.